
Configuration Guide for General Config Settings.

General Settings


default: en-US

Language setting for the user plugin messages. The language files are located in your server's "plugins" directory: plugins/RealisticPlantGrowth/local

Upon the first plugin start, all supported languages for your version should be available in this directory. If you wish to change the language, you'll need to identify and select the .yml file with the desired language. You also have the option to create your own language files and use them.

In cases where specific translations are missing, the default strings from the default language (en-US) will be automatically selected.


default: '[RealisticPlantGrowth] '

Plugin prefix for console logs. Does not affect chat messages. You can customize the prefix using MiniMessage format and legacy &-color codes. For details, refer to: MiniMessage Format



  • your_world

  • your_world_nether

  • your_world_the_end

List of worlds where this plugin is active. To customize, modify this list to include your desired worlds. Any worlds not listed here will use the default growth behavior.


default: 3

Limits the use of bonemeal on plants to the specified amount. Setting 'bonemeal_limit: 0' completely disables the use of bone meal. Negative numbers deactivate this feature (e.g., 'bonemeal_limit: -1').

bonemeal_limit not implemented yet.


default: 15

Required natural sky light level for plant growth.



Allows underground plant growth.


corresponds to sunlight filtered through leaves.


plants only grow in direct sunlight. (Allows glass ceilings.)


default: true

When a player harvests a plant that has grown on farmland, the farmland is automatically replaced with a coarse dirt block. Consequently, the player is required to re-hoe the area to prepare it for seeding new plants. Setting 'destroy_farmland' to 'true' enables this feature.


default: true

Determines whether a player requires a hoe to harvest plants. If set to true, players must use a hoe for harvesting. When require_hoe is set to true, harvesting plants without a hoe will yield no drops.

Additionally, enabling this setting prevents drops from agricultural plants destroyed by flowing water and pistons.


default: true

Displays potential growth rates for an item in hand when a player left-clicks the ground. Only shows growth rates for the biome the player is currently in.


default: 5

Only active, if display_growth_rates is enabled. Time in seconds before the growth rates are shown to the player again. Prevents spam clicking and therefore heavy area scans.


default: true

When this configuration setting is set to true, your plugin will anonymously contribute usage data to bStats. bStats is a service that assists plugin developers in understanding how their creations are utilized in the wider community.

This anonymized information is invaluable for enhancing and optimizing plugins based on real-world usage patterns. For additional details, please visit the bStats page of Realistic Plant Growth.


default: true

Set this option to true to enable automatic update checks when the server starts. Setting it to false will disable update checking.


Fertilizer enables Composters to fertilize crops in the surrounding area, allowing for growth in normally uninhabitable areas.


default: false

Enables the use of composters to fertilize crops in the surrounding area.


default: 8

Plants within this block radius will grow at the fertilizer_growth_rate (see below). Higher values may increase server resource consumption and cause lag (Maximum 15 blocks).


default: false

true: Fertilizer effects do not deplete composters to fertilize the surroundings. false: Players must actively fill the composter to achieve fertilization effects.


default: 20.0

The fertilizer_boost_growth_rate is an additive value applied to the percentage-based biome-specific growth rate when a composter is within the configured fertilizer_radius.

For instance, if the biome-specific growth rate for wheat in a desert is 25.0%, setting fertilizer_boost_growth_rate to 20.0% will result in a boosted growth rate of 45.0% for wheat plants.


default: false

Allows a growth rate above 100.0%. If a plant has a biome-specific growth rate of 100.0% and this is set to be true, the resulting growth rate can exceed 100.0% (e.g., 125.0%). Otherwise, the growth rate is capped at 100.0%.

fertilizer_allow_growth_rate_above_100 not implemented yet.


default: false

If set to true, Fertilizer allows plants to thrive in invalid biomes. If set to false, plant growth is limited to biomes explicitly listed in Biome: [] section within GrowthModifiers.yml.


default: 35.0

Growth rate of plants in invalid biomes with fertilizer access. Only active if fertilizer_enables_growth_in_invalid_biomes is set to true, and the plant is in an invalid biome.


default: 25.0

Probability of plant death in an invalid biome despite fertilizer supply. This rule is effective only when fertilizer_enables_growth_in_invalid_biomes is set to true and the plant is located in an inappropriate biome.

If the Growth process of the plant consists of multiple growth stages, the death rate is internally adjusted by dividing it by the number of growth stages.


Artificial light source that allows plants within its radius to grow where the sky light level is lower than the min_natural_light value. This allows the cultivation of plants underground or in buildings without direct sky light access.

Note: Plants still require the minimal vanilla light level to grow.


default: false

Enable the use of UV-Light Blocks.






List of blocks that can function as UV-Light sources. Use the official MATERIAL_NAMES to add items to this list.

Hint: uv_blocks don't need to emit light, but when they do, you don't require an additional light source.


default: true

Determines whether a plant requires all UV-Light Blocks listed above to grow.

  • true: All blocks in uv_blocks are necessary for plant growth.

  • false: Only one of the blocks listed in uv_blocks is required for plant growth.


default: 5

Radius around a UV-Light block that affects growth. Higher values consume more server resources and may lead to server lag. (Maximum 15 blocks) Use the official MATERIAL_NAMES to add items to this list.







List of plants that grow without requiring natural sky light, allowing growth in artificial light sources like torches and lanterns (not the same as UV-Light). Use the official MATERIAL_NAMES to add items to this list.

Sounds & Effects

Configure played sounds or particle effects used by this plugin.



  • enabled: true - Enables the sound and particle effects for dying plants.

  • sound: BLOCK_CROP_BREAK - The sound played when a plant dies.

  • volume: 0.5 - Adjust the volume (0.0 to 1.0).

  • pitch: 0.5 - Adjust the pitch (0.5 to 2.0, 1.0 is normal pitch).

  • effect: SMOKE - The particle effect played when a plant dies.

  • data: 1 - Adjust effect data if applicable.

Available sounds and effects: Sound: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Sound.html Particle Effects: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Effect.html

Logging & Debugging

Provides various debug logs to offer additional plugin data for troubleshooting and configuration.

WARNING: Enable logging only for debugging purposes, as it can generate a large amount of data.


default: false

Enable Debug Mode. This setting can generate a substantial amount of log data, so it should be used only for debugging purposes.


default: false

Logs Plant Growing Events in a separate log file. Ensure that debug_log is enabled for this feature to work.


default: false

Enables logging of tree growth events (e.g., saplings growing into trees, mushrooms growing into huge mushrooms) in a separate log file. Ensure that debug_log is enabled for this feature to work.


default: false

Enables logging of player interaction events in a separate log file. Ensure that debug_log is enabled for this feature to work.


default: false

Logs events related to Bonemeal usage in a separate log file. Ensure that debug_log is enabled for this feature to work.

bonemeal_log not implemented yet.

Last updated